Photo credit: Hague Talks/Lisanne Kosters

The Netherlands: Elyx returns to celebrate UN Day

From Brussels, it is only a quick trip for the UN Digital Ambassador to the Hague. During its last visit Elyx had promised its friends in the Netherlands to return for the UN Day celebrations and Elyx is very pleased to have the time to stop by for a quick visit.

The UN Day events are organised by the ‘The Hague Project Peace and Justice’ and will bring together international organisations, academics, researchers, and government and private sector actors at Humanity House, a museum in the centre of The Hague which showcases humanitarian themes and issues. The events are a tribute to the work of the United Nations and to the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals. They will mainly focus on Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Elyx checks out the UN Day programme  (Photo credit: Hague Talks/Lisanne Kosters)

During the celebrations, multi-stakeholder working groups will present the ‘The Hague Manifesto’. A document which will signify the start of a determined peace effort around the world.

Elyx mingles with the guests  (Photo credit: Hague Talks/Lisanne Kosters)

At the end of the day, the Mayor of the Hague will close the events by lighting up the Peace Palace in UN Blue and holding a special tribute to the UN. Elyx would love to stay and see the Peace Palace all lit up, but sadly the UN Ambassador has to leave the Netherlands behind again, so it can make it to Washington, DC in time.

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