Photo credit: UNIC Cairo

Egypt: Elyx sees the Pyramids!

Elyx arrives today in Egypt, the most populous country in North Africa and the Arab world with a population of 89 million. Elyx is warmly welcomed by UNIC colleagues, who give the UN digital ambassador a grand tour among the country’s historical beauties.

Elyx is dazzled by the Giza Pyramids in Cairo! (Photo credit: UNIC Cairo)

Elyx learns that Egypt, which hosts no less than seven sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List, has enjoyed greater political stability together with sustained economic growth in 2015.

Nevertheless, poverty and inequalities are still a scourge. Consequently, the work done by the UN together with its agencies, which are numerous in the country, is still highly needed.

Elyx learns more about WFP’s work in Egypt. Among its activities, it encourages nursery and primary school attendance through food incentives as well as assisting needy Syrian refugees living in Egypt, upon the government’s request, within the framework of the WFP’s Syria Regional Refugee Response.

Elyx knows that, unfortunately, unemployment is a major problem in Egypt and youngsters are particularly affected. However, the digital ambassador is delighted to learn that the UN is working hard in this regard. For example, UNDP has contributed to the creation of the Social Fund for Development, which has supported the creation of Medium, Small and Micro Enterprise, resulting in an average of 285,000 jobs per year during the past four years!

Elyx really does not want to leave but, alas, time is short and the UN digital ambassador still has a stop to make before finishing the journey in New York City today. Many thanks UNIC Cairo!

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