Photo Credit: UNYAP/Khishigjargal Enkhbayar

Mongolia : Elyx meets the youth of Ulaanbaatar

Today Elyx is happy but very cold! Indeed our digital ambassador is in Mongolia,  in Ulaanbaatar city which is the coldest capital on earth.  But Elyx knows that Mongolian people are warm and welcoming, and he can’t wait to meet them! On arrival Elyx learns that in 1961, during the 16th Session of the General Assembly the issue of admission of Mongolia was considered in the Security Council on October 25, 1961.

Elyx is welcomed at the UN House in Ulaanbaatar. He was very excited to see the SDG flag! (Photo Credit: UNYAP/Khishigjargal Enkhbayar)

Our digital ambassador’s first stop is at the UN House in Ulaanbaatar. Elyx was very excited to see the SDG flag blowing in the winds and talk of the goals on many lips.  Mongolia and the UN have a history of strong cooperation, the United Nations Development Assistance Framework is a strategic programming framework for UN system to support the national priorities and goals of Mongolia in 2012-2016 years to help it achieve its aims.

Elyx loves the picture of children that UNICEF work with (Photo Credit: UNYAP/Khishigjargal Enkhbayar)

After this very instructive visit, Elyx is excited to meet the youth of Mongolia! Indeed one in every five people in Mongolia are young people between the ages of 15 and 25, while people aged 15-34 form 37.5 percent of the total population. UNYAP, established in 2008, advises UN programmes designed and implemented from a youth perspective and works to bridge the gap between UN, government, and youth.

That’s why the SDG’s are so important in Mongolia, indeed, the MDG’s adopted in 2000 were very well received and acted on, helping the development in Mongolia, and the UN agencies have been strongly supportive of this process through technical guidance and a needs assessment based approach.

Elyx takes a ride in downtown Ulaanbaatar on his way to the next destination (Photo Credit: UNYAP/Khishigjargal Enkhbayar)

It’s already time to leave, Elyx wishes good luck to the youth and Mongolia, and knows they have the power to achieve the SDGs!

More Photos of Elyx in the Mongolia (Full Flickr Gallery)

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Learn more about Mongolia at the United Nations

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